Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A harbinger of doom ?

After last year's Wisconsin protests, the subsequent going to ground of half of the State Senate and the ultimate recall attempt of the duly elected Governor, you could reasonably assume that the left had the wind at their back from last night's recall.
With the state having to fund the $17m cost of the election out of it's precious resources and $68 million coming it to support both sides of the argument, maybe this is going to be pointed out as a "stimulus". It certainly kept the talking heads of the national news channels something to talk about for the last two weeks.
Since the protests, Governor Walker balanced the budget , reduced property taxes and still provided government services. The State workers hadn't taken to living in refrigerator boxes at Lambeau . Rationally, the electorate looked at their choices and came to the conclusion that "why should these people enjoy a great retirement than I do and pay less for it?"
I hope that Governors across the nation, particularly Moonbeam Brown of the Great State of California, recognize that you can take on the unions, end their ownership of the State House, balance the budget, introduce choice into schools, all without raising taxes.
Hopefully, these guys will grab their bits and step boldly into the abyss

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