Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Leave my Wife's womb and my bottom out of this

It wasn't even 24 hours after Mittens became the official GOP nominee that Planned Parenthood announced an ad buy denouncing him and that they were supporting The Messiah for reelection. With this announcement we are now assured several news cycles of discussion of the legal implications of Roe vs Wade and the various arguments concerning Pro-Choice and Pro-Life.
Isn't there a delicious irony in that the party, that is a proponent of small government and that the Government should only legislate or act on the enumerated powers of The U.S Constitution, should take up positions of what a women can do with their womb or a man with their bottom?
Maybe they'd find themselves somewhat more electable in California, New York etc, if they dropped the abortion and gay planks and focused on the more important issues of fiscal , domestic and foreign policy.
Don't like abortion? Don't have one, but please don't interfere with anyone else's natural right to decide what happens with their body.
Don't like Gay Marriage? If I want to marry my buddy or my sheep, some of whom are very cute, that has absolutely no business of the Gov't.
They prove themselves incompetent at just about everything they do, so let's just pin them down to where they absolutely need to be and leave our bedrooms, wombs, bottoms and relationships with barnyard animals alone

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