Thursday, June 21, 2012

Douchbaggesphere on fire

For all of loyal readers ( Hey Paige) that haven't been following the Fast and Furious debacle, mainly because I've yet to opine, let me provide a summary thus far.
The ATF, an agency under the Justice Dept and thus led by the mustachioed Eric Holder came up with the incredibly bright idea of letting guns from the United States flow into Mexico and see if anything good would come from it. Absolutely brilliant! One imagines bunch of suits, never having been on a field operation all congratulating themselves on their sheer genius.
Now of the 2000+ guns that went into Mexico, several hundred were used to kill people.  All 2000 are missing. Surely not? How can this be? Must be a data error. Then one of these guns was used in the murder of a Border Patrol agent. All kept hush hush, until a colleague of the slain agent blew the whistle and Congress gets involved.
Since the went live AG Holder complete with Dirty Sanchez mustache has appeared before Congress numerous times to . At first it was " I know nothing", subsequently  " I know a little, but the President knows nothing". All the while Congress keep demanding more documents.
This could have all been ignored as cheap Washington theater in an election year, the networks largely were, until yesterday when the Messiah stepped in and claimed executive privilege from AG Holder providing any further documents or testimony.
Now this is when the buffoonery goes into hyperdrive and it becomes interesting. For those old enough to remember, Watergate and Whitewater became scandals not so much because of the crime, but the subsequent cover up. The Prez has upped the ante considerably.
It cannot be argued that F&F was anything other than an act of complete stupidity and the deaths of Mexican citizens entirely predictable. For that alone, heads should be rolling, but 18 months after this came into the open not one firing. The death of a Border Patrol agent with a firearm that the ATF had control of means we need answers and the executive privilege call has the strong odour of cover up.
If exec privilege is used, we are to assume that the Messiah knew about it, which means that AG Holder perjured himself before Congress to say that he didn't. If the Prez didn't know about it, there can be no executive privilege.
Either way, no good outcomes and either way we have a dead agent and hundreds of dead Mexicans.
Well played guys, well played

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